maczic - Mediation Analysis for Count and Zero-Inflated Count Data
Performs causal mediation analysis for count and
zero-inflated count data without or with a post-treatment
confounder; calculates power to detect prespecified causal
mediation effects, direct effects, and total effects; performs
sensitivity analysis when there is a treatment- induced
mediator-outcome confounder as described by Cheng, J., Cheng,
N.F., Guo, Z., Gregorich, S., Ismail, A.I., Gansky, S.A. (2018)
<doi:10.1177/0962280216686131>. Implements Instrumental
Variable (IV) method to estimate the controlled (natural)
direct and mediation effects, and compute the bootstrap
Confidence Intervals as described by Guo, Z., Small, D.S.,
Gansky, S.A., Cheng, J. (2018) <doi:10.1111/rssc.12233>. This
software was made possible by Grant R03DE028410 from the
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a
component of the National Institutes of Health.